Friday, October 19, 2012

Modelling One to One Correspondence Lesson in Kdg

Yesterday, I had the pleasure of modelling a One to One Correspondence Lesson in Kindergarten.  I love kindergarten.  They are so eager to learn!  Wouldn't it be fabulous if we could bottle that eagerness and implant it in all students?

Outcome:  Number 5:  Compare quantities 1 to 10, using one-to-one correspondance

Activity #1:  
  • Dice
  • Bingo Chips
  • Plastic Container

The Process:
I started by rolling a die to obtain a random number (although sometimes if a number showed up too many times, my die would accidentally and quietly get knocked over onto a different number).  Let's pretend a 3 showed up.  I would loudly and slowly clap three times.  Students would hold up fingers to show me how many times they had clapped.  Then, we would clap and count the same number together (so, if you're following along...that was 3 times).  We repeated this activity several times until everyone knew what they were supposed to be doing.

The next stage was exactly the same except for one difference.  This time, they had their eyes closed while I was clapping and while they were holding up their fingers.  This allowed me to see which students were having difficulty as they weren't able to look at other students' responses for support anymore.  I would sometimes repeat the claps if it looked like too many had trouble.  "I'm going to repeat the claps again so that you can check your work!".

At the end of the session, the classroom teacher told me that she liked the idea of having students close their eyes while listening.  I had to admit to her that I stole the idea from HER.  Two days prior to this lesson, I had been in her classroom modelling a 3-D shapes lesson.  I was early and caught the tail end of her rhyming lesson.  She had her students close her eyes and named two rhyming words, then had students repeat back those rhyming words.  I thought it was a great idea to remove the visual so I stole borrowed it.

Activity #2:
Materials per group of 2:
  • Brown paper lunch bag
  • Numerals 1-9 (9 fit nicely on a piece of paper, 10 did not otherwise I would have done 10).  (One side had the numeral, the other side had an arrangement of circles or squares matching the numeral)
  • Envelope (to hold the numerals)
  • 9 bug foam stickers

The Process:
Obviously I modeled this process before having students do the activity.

Students removed the envelope containing the numerals and placed it off to the side.  They emptied the bag so that all the bug stickers were on the table.  Each student counted the bugs.

Partner 2 closed their eyes or turned their back.

Partner 1 pulled a card out of the envelope.  They counted out the correct number of bugs to match the numeral and placed them in the bag.  They hid the numeral card.

Partner 2 opens their eyes, empties out the bag and counts the bugs.

Partner 1 checks their work.

Now, the roles reverse.

When the activity was finished, I told students they could each keep one bug foam sticker.  They cleaned up and returned everything else to me.

The classroom teacher mentioned that this would be an easy activity to adapt to other themes, using different objects, stickers, etc.

Activity #3:  I did not have time to get to this activity but thought I would share it anyways.
Again, prior modeling would have to be done.

Materials per group of 2:
  • Numerals 1-9 (9 fit nicely on a piece of paper, 10 did not otherwise I would have done 10).  (One side had the numeral, the other side had an arrangement of circles or squares matching the numeral)
  • Envelope (to hold the numerals)
The Process:
Partners sit one behind the other, partner 1 in front; partner 2 behind them.

Partner 2 pulls out a card and then taps slowly, gently but firmly on partner 1's shoulder.

Partner 1 counts and reports the number of counts. 


This activity was meant to be a repeat of the first activity.  I thought clapping would be too difficult to distinguish once all the groups were doing it.  Obviously there would have to be a conversation about quality of tapping.  Wouldn't want any injuries!

I hope that you find these low tech activities useful!  I'm sorry that I don't have pictures to share of the students in the class but the FOIP forms would have been complicated.