Wednesday, September 29, 2010

The journey begins...

Over the past few years, I have built a blog focusing on my love of rubber stamping.  This is the first time, I've ever focused on my educational learning.

The journey began with a simple email asking if I would like to participate in a PLP.  I had no idea what a PLP was so I had to conduct some research.  Based on what I read, I thought it would be a great fit.  I love to collaborate with others and discover ways to improve my teaching and integration of technology.

Every day, I worry that I am not engaging my students enough in the classroom.  I hope that this PLP will help me improve the skills needed to really grab my students' attention and meet their needs as learners.

Although this post is short, I will continue to share my thoughts as the year progress.  Hopefully, somebody out there will be able to take something away from this.